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Dropline menu

Our template supports three menu types: GK menu Dropline menu Split menu Each of these menus has different characteristic. It is important to know that in order to gain an additional functionality offered by «GK menu», a user has to install

Menu types

Our template supports three menu types: GK menu Dropline menu Split menu Each of these menus has different characteristic. It is important to know that in order to gain an additional functionality offered by «GK menu», a user has to install

Chrome frame

Google Chrome Frame is a retort of Google company to Internet Explorer browser which is still widely popular, despite the fact that its rendering engine remains fallen behind other internet browsers. By applying this plug-in, users can benefit from Webkit engine


Joomla! offers three different types of messages. Creatings standard information about Joomla! system is presented depending on a message type as follows: Error This is a sample message Error This is a sample warning message Error This is a sample error

Module positions

Guayoyo en Letras es un espacio abierto para el encuentro de ideas diversas. No necesariamente coincidimos ni somos responsables de los comentarios u opiniones que son publicados.


Warnings Headers Icon set 1 Icon set 2 Icon set 3 Tooltips Highlights Code Unordered lists Ordered lists Abbrs and acronyms Definition lists Legends Dropcaps Floated blocks Other span blocks Blockquotes Tables Warnings This is a sample info message. Use <p
Guayoyo en Letras